Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Sorry the downloads are not working. I graduated and lost access to my edu email, which is what DreamHost used to notify due payments. They suspended my account, but as soon as the payment goes through everything should be working.

Update: We are back! It won't happen again, I promise :)

Update 2: Episode 298 is having problems. I tried reuploading the file, but it still doesn't work. I have contacted DreamHost about the issue, and will fix it asap. All of the other episodes appear to be working.

Update:3 WORKING! Sorry about the downtime. Have fun watching One Piece again!


Unknown said...

ultra cool

arz said...

yeah...it make me cried a lot!

Nur1Labs said...

wow good blog u have thank sometimes i wanna see new progress your blog

Kai said...

good job! i was worrying for a sec there lol hope episode 298 is up soon

Unknown said...

wow! You are super cool. Paying for hosting for One piece is cool. I have downloaded and watched all the episodes your blog offers (from somewhere else).

I just want to make a suggestion and I know that other guys would welcome this as well.

Why not use the money for hosting for a mediafire account. Your visitors would be able to download quite easily from mediafire without owning a premium account.

Secondly, consider encoding the downloads, I'm sure other guys won't mind if it's not HD, doing this would ease upload time (for you) and download time (for visitors)
